Thursday, June 23, 2011

Copic Storage

Hi everyone. Hope you have all had a fab week.  With the winter chill setting in I find myself inside quite a bit trying to stay warm.  We are certainly having a REAL feel of winter this year (we don't normally have very cold weather on the Gold Coast).  So this being the case I am organising my little studio to have things more "close at hand".  My copics was starting to do my head in so I came up with this wonderful idea and just had to convince my other half to help me with bringing it all together.  As all of you know, storage can become quite expensive, so I wanted something to accommodate my current collection and allow room for additional purchases, without braking the bank.  So here is my fantastic solution.

Poly pipe from the hardware store!

I just purchased a couple of the shorter lengths (easier to manage) and cut into lengths of 15cm using a drop saw. I then sanded all the rough edges (using the drop saw left hardly any at all) then used liquid nails to glue the pieces together.  I can always add on at a later time if need be. Obviously the size poly pipe is that which would be suitable as a down pipe.
As you can see it accommodates a lot of markers and doesn't take up much room on your desk.  I was absolutely rapt with the end result and who would have thought it would cost sooooo little.  So if your thinking of storage solutions for your crafting schtuffff it is well worth just looking around your home for ideas outside of the box.
Well that's it for today. Hope you enjoyed my storage idea and thanx for stopping by.
Ciao for now
Kaz x

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I have been published!!!!!!

Hi peeps.  Sorry it has been a couple of weeks since the last post but I have been a little busy with lots of little things.  Over the Queens Birthday long weekend I helped Jane Tregenza of Seriously scrapbooking  (and founder of the wonderful "Imaginarium Designs") with her stand at the Papercraft fair held in Brisbane.  It was a very busy weekend.  We actually sold out of a lot of things on the first day! Can you believe it??Both Jane and Nat's classes proved to be a big hit with all classes booked out.  If you haven't visited the Imaginarium Designs website yet you had better check it out soon as they have some pretty amazing chipboard products.

On another note I have been published!!!!!!  I actually found out a little while ago that two of my card creations were going to be published in the debut magazine for Whimsy Stamps but I had to keep it a secret until now.  My creations are on page 49.   Below is a close up of both the cards.

Well that's it for today.  Hope you enjoy having a look at the new mag. 

Until next time ciao for now. X